Meet our Neighbors: The Korean Language School
우리의 이웃을 소개합니다: 한글 학교
The land we call Maine is home to many people, each with stories to share. The “Meet Our Neighbors” exhibit gallery is designed to shine a special spotlight on neighbors in our community.
In this inaugural exhibit, Korean Language School students, parents, and teachers invite visitors to explore the Korean language of Hangul and how South Korean culture is shared and celebrated here in Maine.
Visitors will hear the history of the language from community members, experience why Hangul is said to be the most miraculous language in the world, and even write their names in Hangul! Additionally visitors can explore clothing, arts, and traditions that play a part in the Korean Language School.
To learn more about the Korean Language School, please email
The Korean Language School in Portland, Maine and the Children’s Museum & Theatre have partnered to bring celebrations and co-curated exhibits to the community for over a decade. The Museum & Theatre is honored to continue this partnership at Thompson’s Point. The Museum & Theatre is deeply grateful to the co-curators of “Meet our Neighbors: The Korean Language School”: Yeongrae An, Youngok Shin, Ip Boon Park, and Hyeri Yoon.
Second Floor
Access Info
• Art and signage are hung at an ADA accessible height;
• The language activity is hung at a variety of heights;
• Adaptive paint brushes are available for the language activity;
Korean Lunar New Year
Students from the Korean Language School and other visitors at the Museum & Theatre celebrate Seollal, the Korean Lunar New Year
Meet Our Neighbors made possible by a generous gift from
Cross Insurance