Outreach Programs for Preschool through Elementary School
The Children's Museum & Theatre of Maine (CMTM) is pleased to offer a comprehensive outreach menu tailored to support age-specific learning objectives and extend classroom-based learning experiences. CMTM outreach programs provide a dynamic and engaging opportunity for students within the familiar setting of your classroom or center. This approach offers a valuable supplement to traditional classroom instruction, exposing students to interactive and hands-on learning that deepens their understanding of the subject matter.
We also provide outreach programs at libraries and summer and rec camps. We will work with you to choose the program that best fits your audience.
Keep scrolling for current outreach programs.
Outreach Menu
Click the age range below to be directed to that Menu option.
Ages 2 to 5: Early Childhood
Ages 2 to 5: Early Childhood Classroom Programs
The Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine’s early childhood programs build upon children’s natural learning inclinations. Educators provide unique learning through play experiences that dovetail with classroom learning goals and are informed by Maine Early Learning and Development Standards (MELDS). In each program, we create an intentional play-based learning environment that allows for individual experiences that set the stage for discovery.
Early childhood programs are designed for children ages 2-5.
Prices start at $150 plus mileage for a 30-minute educator-led program for up to 25 students. Programs can be booked back-to-back to accommodate larger groups.
Are you unable to afford the cost of a program? Don't hesitate to contact bookings@kitetails.org or 207-828-1234 to express your interest in these experiences. Our staff will contact you regarding availability!
Turtles for Tots: Ages 2 to 5
Explore the world of turtles! Engage in dramatic play to act out a day in the life of a turtle, build a turtle habitat from textile and natural materials, and meet a live turtle that calls Maine home.
Program Length: 30 minutes
Pricing: $150 per group of up to 25 students plus mileage.
Requirements/ Travel: Requires indoor room or shaded outdoor space between 60-74 degrees to ensure the health of the ambassador turtle. The location must be less than an hour from the Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine. Requires a 15-minute reset time if multiple programs are offered in a row.
Standards: Supports Maine’s Early Learning and Development Standards, especially in the areas of Social Emotional Development, Approaches to Learning, Creative Arts, Math, and Science.
MELDS.SED.ED.SC.PS.2 Demonstrates self-direction by making choices among peers, activities and materials
MELDS.SED.ED.SR.PS.3 Stops and listens to instructions before jumping into activity, with guidance
MELDS.SED.ED.SR.PS.6 Uses materials appropriately
MELDS.SED.ED.SE.PS.1 Expresses empathy for others
MELDS.SED.SD.BRC.PS.1 Participates cooperatively in large and small group activitie
MELDS.SED.SD.BRA.PS.4 Works independently and asks for help only when necessary
MELDS.ATL.IC.PS.3 Wonders and asks questions about change in his/her world
MELDS.ATL.IC.PS.5 Approaches tasks and activities with increasing flexibility, imagination, and inventiveness
MELDS.ATL.RPS.PS.4 Applies prior experiences, senses, and knowledge to new learning situations
MELDS.CA.VA.PS.1 Shows interest in different art media and materials in a variety of ways for creative expression and representation
MELDS.CA.VA.PS.3 Progresses in abilities to create drawings, paintings and other art creations that reflect more detail, uniqueness, and/or realism
MELDS.CA.MD.PS.2 Uses creative movement, planned or improvised, that expresses an idea or feeling
MELDS.CA.DE.PS.1 Uses objects for other than their intended purpose to create representations of real life objects or activities
MELDS.CA.DE.PS.2 Represents fantasy and real life experiences through pretend play and use of props and costumes
MELDS.CA.DP.PS.1 Creates characters through physical movement, gesture, sound, speech and facial expressions
Hello Humpback - Tot Biologists: Ages 2 to 5*
The ocean world comes to your classroom as we meet an inflatable humpback whale and explore whale anatomy. Use your senses to touch a real whale artifact and sensory ocean objects. Finally, get out your flippers as we engage in dramatic play to breach and flip like a whale as we listen to whale songs.
Program Length: 30 minutes
Pricing: Pricing starts at $150 for groups of up to 25 students and $200 for groups of up to 50 students. Note: A 45-foot whale is used for groups of over 25 people.
Requirements/ Travel:
45-foot whale requirements:
Space must be able to accommodate an inflatable whale 45 feet long, 6 feet tall, and 8 feet wide, plus space for children to sit to view the whale.
There must be an electrical outlet available within 30 feet.
Outdoor locations are weather permitting. Please be ready to provide a backup indoor location, or reschedule the program If it is raining or if strong winds are prevalent.
Outdoor locations will need to have tie-down options. We bring stakes and rope but will need a dirt/grassy area to stake into or places to tie rope down.
Standards: Supports Maine’s Early Learning and Development Standards, especially in the areas of Social Emotional Development, Approaches to Learning, Creative Arts, Math, and Science.
MELDS.SED.ED.SR.PS.3 Stops and listens to instructions before jumping into activity, with guidance
MELDS.SED.SD.BRC.PS.1 Participates cooperatively in large and small group activities
MELDS.ATL.IC.PS.3 Wonders and asks questions about change in his/her world
MELDS.ATL.IC.PS.5 Approaches tasks and activities with increasing flexibility, imagination, and inventiveness
MELDS.ATL.RPS.PS.4 Applies prior experiences, senses, and knowledge to new learning situations MELDS.ATL.RPS.PS.5 Considers and implements different approaches to carrying out a task
MELDS.CA.VA.PS.2 Works collaboratively to create group art displays
MELDS.CA.MD.PS.1 Moves in response to tempo changes and different styles of music MELDS.CA.MD.PS.2 Uses creative movement, planned or improvised, that expresses an idea or feeling
MELDS.ELA.SL.CC.PS.1 Increases ability to engage in collaborative conversations about preschool topics and texts with peers and adults in small & larger groups:
MELDS.ELA.SL.CC.PS.3 Asks questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood
MELDS.ELA.W.TTP.PS.2 Communicate information about a topic
MELDS.M.MP.PS.1 Approaches math with enthusiasm.
MELDS.M.MP.PS.2 Associates math with engaging classroom materials and activities
MELDS.M.MP.PS.5 Represents mathematical concepts using manipulatives
MELDS.M.MP.PS.6 Uses math-related skills, such as sorting, counting, and matching in the course of everyday classroom experiences
MELDS.M.OAT.PS.1 Associates quantity with a number name or written numeral
MELDS.M.MD.PS.2 Identifies and compares measurable attributes of everyday objects, using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., long, short, tall, heavy, light, big, small, full, empty)
Growing Worms’ Growing Garden: Ages 2 to 5
Discover how living things around us grow with help from each other. Meet live red wiggler worms, use dramatic play to explore what it’s like to be a worm, and learn how they help the plants around them.
Program Length: 30 minutes
Pricing: $150 per group of up to 25 students, plus mileage.
Requirements/ Travel: None.
Standards: Supports Maine’s Early Learning and Development Standards, especially in the areas of Social Emotional Development, Approaches to Learning, and Creative Arts.
MELDS.SED.ED.SR.PS.3 Stops and listens to instructions before jumping into activity, with guidance
MELDS.SED.ED.SR.PS.6 Uses materials appropriately
MELDS.SED.ED.SE.PS.1 Expresses empathy for others
MELDS.SED.SD.BRC.PS.1 Participates cooperatively in large and small group activitie
MELDS.ATL.RPS.PS.4 Applies prior experiences, senses, and knowledge to new learning situations
MELDS.CA.VA.PS.3 Progresses in abilities to create drawings, paintings and other art creations that reflect more detail, uniqueness, and/or realism
MELDS.CA.MD.PS.2 Uses creative movement, planned or improvised, that expresses an idea or feeling.
We Dig Dinos: Ages 2 to 5
ROAR! Step into the shoes of a paleontologist, as we embark on a faux dinosaur fossil dig using textiles and wooden bones. Learn how we know about dinosaurs and use standard and non-standard measurements to observe replica dinosaur fossils. Work together to follow clues to dig up and construct a dinosaur puzzle.
Program Length: 30 minutes
Pricing: $150 per group of up to 25 students, plus mileage.
Requirements/ Travel: Requires a 15-minute reset time if multiple programs are offered in a row.
Standards: Supports Maine’s Early Learning and Development Standards, especially in the areas of Social Emotional Development, Approaches to Learning, Creative Arts, Math, and Science.
MELDS.SED.ED.SR.PS.3 Stops and listens to instructions before jumping into activity, with guidance
MELDS.SED.ED.SR.PS.6 Uses materials appropriately
MELDS.SED.SD.BRC.PS.1 Participates cooperatively in large and small group activities
MELDS.ATL.IC.PS.3 Wonders and asks questions about change in his/her world
MELDS.ATL.IC.PS.5 Approaches tasks and activities with increasing flexibility, imagination, and inventiveness
MELDS.ATL.RPS.PS.4 Applies prior experiences, senses, and knowledge to new learning situations
MELDS.CA.VA.PS.2 Works collaboratively to create group art displays
MELDS.CA.DE.PS.2 Represents fantasy and real life experiences through pretend play and use of props and costumes
MELDS.ELA.W.TTP.PS.2 Communicate information about a topic
MELDS.M.MP.PS.1 Approaches math with enthusiasm.
MELDS.M.MP.PS.2 Associates math with engaging classroom materials and activities
MELDS.M.OAT.PS.1 Associates quantity with a number name or written numeral
MELDS.M.MD.PS.2 Identifies and compares measurable attributes of everyday objects, using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., long, short, tall, heavy, light, big, small, full, empty)
MELDS.M.MP.PS.5 Represents mathematical concepts using manipulatives
MELDS.M.MP.PS.6 Uses math-related skills, such as sorting, counting, and matching in the course of everyday classroom experiences
MELDS.M.MD.PS.8 Responds to questions that can be answered through data analysis
MELDS.M.MD.PS.10 Uses non-standard units of measurement to measure objects; notices similarities and differences
MELDS.M.G.PS.1 Describes, sorts and classifies shapes using some attributes such as size, sides, and other properties
MELDS.M.G.PS.4 Breaks down shapes into parts and wholes
Pop + Fizz Science Experiment: Ages 2 to 5
Conduct a hands-on fizzy and science experiment in your classroom. Art meets science as we use a combination of baking soda, vinegar, and paint in a sensory eruption! Children try scientific tools to create and closely observe cause-and-effect reactions during this joyful learning through play experience.
Program Length: 30 minutes
Pricing: $150 per group of up to 25 students, plus mileage.
Requirements/ Travel: This experiment can get (just a bit) messy, and we will need 15 minutes between multiple sessions offered to clean up. An indoor setting with tables and chairs is preferred.
Standards: Supports Maine’s Early Learning and Development Standards, especially in the areas of Social Emotional Development and Approaches to Learning.
MELDS.SED.ED.SR.PS.3 Stops and listens to instructions before jumping into activity, with guidance
MELDS.SED.ED.SR.PS.6 Uses materials appropriately
MELDS.SED.SD.BRC.PS.1 Participates cooperatively in large and small group activities
MELDS.ATL.IC.PS.3 Wonders and asks questions about change in his/her world
MELDS.ATL.IC.PS.5 Approaches tasks and activities with increasing flexibility, imagination, and inventiveness
MELDS.ATL.RPS.PS.4 Applies prior experiences, senses, and knowledge to new learning situations
MELDS.ELA.W.TTP.PS.2 Communicate information about a topic
Ages 5 to 8: Kindergarten and Elementary Classroom Programs
The Children’s Museum & Theatre’s Kindergarten through Elementary School Programs are designed to take place in classrooms. They explore topics through objects, dramatic movement, experiments, and hands-on learning, and they are informed by the Next Generation Science Standards.
The average length of a program is approximately 45 minutes. Kindergarten and Elementary programs are designed for children ages 5-8.
Tiered pricing is available. Book back-to-back to accommodate more classrooms during an outreach trip. Programs accommodate up to 25 students. Prices start at $200 for the first program, plus mileage. $120 for each additional program. Title 1A schools receive a 50% discount on outreach costs.
Are you unable to afford the cost of a program? Don't hesitate to contact bookings@kitetails.org or 207-828-1234 to express your interest in these experiences. Our staff will contact you regarding availability!
Blackbird Beats - Interactive Musical Performance: Ages 5 to 8
A musical adventure inspired by Ashley Bryan’s beloved tale. This one-performer show invites children to become colorful birds from Africa, celebrating diversity and the beauty of Blackness. Through beatboxing, dancing, and playful sound-making, young audiences will help bring the story to life in an engaging, hands-on experience. Aligned with Black and Brown studies curriculum, this dynamic performance reinforces themes of self-love and community. Let’s move, groove, and shout together—because Black is beautiful, UH HUH!
Program Length: 30 minutes
Pricing: $200 per group of up to 100 students plus mileage.
Requirements/ Travel: There must be an electrical outlet available within 10 feet of the presenter’s space. Access to a projector and projector screen is not required but enhances the program. CMTM staff will bring their own speaker and loop pedal.
Standards: Supports Maine’s Visual and Performing Arts Standards.
Music A1 – Listen to, apply criteria, and interpret the artist’s intended meaning
Music B3 – Connect with a variety of musical experiences through the relationships between music, history, and culture
Music F1 – Identify positive inter- and intra-personal skills that impact the quality of a musician’s art and participation in the arts.
Theatre B1 – Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation
Theatre B3 – Convey meaning through the performance/presentation of artistic work
Theatre C3 – Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Theatre D2 – Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical contexts to deepen understanding.
Theatre E1 – Develop and demonstrate disciplinary literacy
Meet the Turtle: Ages 5 to 8
A special guest animal ambassador comes to you! Act out how a turtle moves, play a game to explore turtle adaptations and meet a real turtle. Get hands-on to explore animals' relationship to habitats by creating a mini-habitat for a box turtle, sea turtle, or tortus using textiles and natural materials.
Program Length: 45 minutes
Pricing: Book back-to-back to accommodate more classrooms during an outreach trip. Programs accommodate up to 25 students. $200 for the first program, plus mileage $120 for each additional program. Title 1A schools receive a 50% discount on outreach costs.
Requirements/ Travel: Ideally the program takes place in a classroom with tables and chairs. Requires an indoor room or shaded outdoor space between 60-74 degrees to ensure the health of the ambassador turtle. The location must be less than an hour from the Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine. Requires a 15-minute reset time if multiple programs are offered in a row.
Standards: Supports Next Generation Science Standards
K-ESS3 Earth and Human Activity
K-ESS3-1. Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live.
K-LS1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive. [Clarification
K-ESS2 Earth’s Systems
K-ESS2-2. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs.
2-LS4 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
2-LS4-1. Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.
3-LS3 Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits
3-LS3-2. Use evidence to support the explanation that traits can be influenced by the environment.
3-LS4 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
3-LS4-3. Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.
The Magnificent Marshmallow Experiment: Ages 5 to 8
Let’s experiment! Collaboratively explore the scientific method as you experiment with air pressure and molecules to create massive marshmallows, bursting balloons, and exploding foam. Students will then work in small groups to conduct their own bell jar experiments.
Program Length: 45 minutes
Pricing: Book back-to-back to accommodate more classrooms during an outreach trip. Programs accommodate up to 25 students. $200 for the first program, plus mileage $120 for each additional program. Title 1A schools receive a 50% discount on outreach costs.
Requirements/ Travel: Ideally the program takes place in a classroom with tables and chairs.
Standards: Supports Next Generation Science Standards
2-PS1 Matter and its Interactions
2-PS1-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials by their observable properties.
MS-PS1 Matter and Its Interactions
Earth Rocks: Ages 5 to 8
Rocks, minerals, and fossils are clues to what the earth looked like millions of years ago. Act out a dramatic rock cycle and explore how the earth has changed over time. Get up close and personal with a collection of real ocean fossils, volcanic rock, and glittering crystals.
Program Length: 45 minutes
Pricing: Book back-to-back to accommodate more classrooms during an outreach trip. Programs accommodate up to 25 students. $200 for the first program, plus mileage $120 for each additional program. Title 1A schools receive a 50% discount on outreach costs.
Requirements/ Travel: Ideally the program takes place in a classroom with tables and chairs.
Standards: Supports Next Generation Science Standards
2-ESS1 Earth’s Place in the Universe
2-ESS1-1. Use information from several sources to provide evidence that Earth events can occur quickly or slowly.
4-ESS1 Earth’s Place in the Universe . Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers to support an explanation for changes in a landscape over time.
Vermiculture - Worms and our World Ages: Ages 5 to 8
Discover how worms magically transform waste through vermiculture–worm composting! Meet live red wiggler worms, use dramatic play to explore what it’s like to be a worm, and learn how they help the plants around. Conduct an experiment to see how worms adapt to their environment.
Program Length: 45 minutes
Pricing: Book back-to-back to accommodate more classrooms during an outreach trip. Programs accommodate up to 25 students. $200 for the first program, plus mileage $120 for each additional program. Title 1A schools receive a 50% discount on outreach costs.
Requirements/ Travel: Ideally the program takes place in a classroom with tables and chairs.
Standards: Supports Next Generation Science Standards
K-LS1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.
K-ESS3 Earth and Human Activity
K-ESS3-1. Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live.
K-ESS3-3. Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment.
2-LS4 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
2-LS4-1. Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats
A Whale’s Tale - Ocean Ecosystems: Ages 5 to 8
Meet a life-sized whale named Piano, named after a humpback whale in the Atlantic Ocean. Take on the role of scientists as we observe whale anatomy, act out a dramatic food web, listen to whale songs, and explore whale artifacts. Together we will discover that Piano is connected to ocean animals and humans as part of an ocean ecosystem. The more we learn about how we are connected to the ocean, the more we can protect it too.
Program Length: 45 minutes
Pricing: Book back-to-back to accommodate more classrooms during an outreach trip. Programs accommodate up to 50 students. $200 for the first program, plus mileage $120 for each additional program. Title 1A schools receive a 50% discount on outreach costs.
Requirements/ Travel:
45-foot whale requirements:
Space must be able to accommodate an inflatable whale 45 feet long, 6 feet tall, and 8 feet wide, plus space for children to sit to view the whale.
There must be an electrical outlet available within 30 feet.
Outdoor locations are weather permitting. Please be ready to provide a backup indoor location, or reschedule the program If it is raining or if strong winds are prevalent.
Outdoor locations will need to have tie-down options. We bring stakes and rope but will need a dirt/grassy area to stake into or places to tie rope down.
Standards: Supports Next Generation Science Standards
K-LS1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive. [Clarification
K-ESS3 Earth and Human Activity
K-ESS3-1. Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live.
K-ESS3-3. Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment.
3-LS4 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
3-LS4-4. Make a claim about the merit of a solution to a problem caused when the environment changes and the types of plants and animals that live there may change.