The Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine is offering the second round of a pilot program designed to empower early childhood education teachers to use curriculum-focused creative drama methodologies in the classroom.
The training will consist of four two-hour workshops, each with a focus on two of the following creative drama methodologies: Puppets and Hand Play; Stepping into the Story: Teacher in Role; Creative Movement & Sensory Imagining; Story Stones & Creating Imaginary Worlds; Props and Multi-Sensory Stimuli; Miming Action; and Child-led Improvisation.
The seminars are participatory and inspire confidence, as well as offering teachers a new skill-set. By the end of the training, the teachers will have the needed teaching skills to be able to adapt OWL reading 4 and other story-based early literacy curriculum models based on classroom needs.
Sessions will be Mondays from 3-5pm November 18th, 25th, December 2nd and 9th. Registration is required. For questions about the seminars, please contact