Announcement of Temporary Closure and Virtual Programming
Since 1923 when our original children’s theatre was founded, our mission has been to serve the common good on behalf of the children, families, schools, and community of Maine. Almost daily we receive notes and messages from families telling us how much our programming means to them and how it feels as though we rescue them from isolation in the face of the inexhaustible curiosity and energy of their children. So it is with a combination of sadness and profound love for our community that we announce the temporary closure of our Museum & Theatre facility at 142 Free Street in Portland, effective at 5 PM Friday, March 13th, and cessation of all associated programming for at least two weeks. We will continuously monitor and reassess the appropriate timing for reopening, in accordance with official public health recommendations. As an organization committed to STEM education, we take seriously the science-based assessment of the severity of our situation and the guidelines for how we should keep ourselves safe.
Although abiding by “social distancing” recommendations at first feels counter to our mission, it is the responsible thing to do to help protect the most vulnerable in our community and to support our health care workers who are on the front line. Our hearts go out to all families everywhere who are struggling with illness or who are living in fear at the prospect of it.
Temporary closure to the public will also help us keep our staff safe. We have many exhibit and program development projects to keep us busy, as well as virtual work options. Rest assured that our live animals will continue to be lovingly cared for and don’t be surprised if you hear updates directly from them.
Additionally, in an effort to continue to serve Maine’s children and families, we will do our best to provide virtual educational programming. We take inspiration from how, during the disruptions of daily life in World War II, the Children’s Theatre shifted from theatre performances to puppetry. Likewise, we will animate our extensive collections of puppets and also offer a variety of livestream programs in the weeks ahead.
If you would like to support this online educational programming, you may do so at
If you have a current membership, we will be extending your membership by the same length as our temporary closure. For further questions about how this impacts membership, contact;
If you hold tickets for an upcoming performance or event during the temporary closure, your purchase will be refunded. For further questions about reimbursements for theatre tickets, contact;
For questions from schools and groups about reimbursements for educational programs, contact
For questions about upcoming facility rentals and birthday parties, please contact
Thank you, in advance, for your patience with our staff as they adjust our operations to this remarkable situation.
Staff of the Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine, Portland, Maine