CMTM Intern Spotlight - Summer 2024
CMTM Summer Interns (from left to right): Seirra Cummings, Mickey McConnell, and Meredith Tierney-Fife.
This summer at the Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine, we’ve been fortunate to have an incredible group of people join our team as Summer Interns. These bright and passionate individuals have brought fresh energy and creativity to our programs, helping us create unforgettable experiences for the children and families we serve. From assisting in programming to developing new materials, they have been hard at work, making a real impact in our community. We’re excited to share more about some of these individuals’ contributions and the unique talents they’ve brought to CMTM during their time here. We are grateful to them for an amazing summer, and can’t wait to cheer them on as they continue their professional journeys.
Name: Mickey McConnell
Pronouns: she/they
CMTM Department: Theatre
CMTM Role: Theatre Production Intern
What drew you to intern at CMTM?
From the moment I stepped into the building, I knew I would love this place. My work up to now has mostly been with adults and teenagers, so I was eager to try working with a younger population. CMTM’s approach to accessibility, inclusion, and gender equity was another big draw, for me. The vibes were good from day one!
Is there a CMTM value that resonates with you? Why?
Feeling as though we belong somewhere— that we have a community— is so important for human development! Having struggled to find somewhere I belong in the past, this value stands out to me. Creating spaces where people can find empowerment and strength through their differences makes for a stronger community and more resilient humans.
What is a favorite memory (so far) during your internship?
Having lunch in the break room: I’ve gotten to know so many amazing people this way. Everyone made me feel welcome from the outset, and building these connections has been so rewarding!
What would you say to someone interested in interning at CMTM?
Do it! The workplace culture alone is worth experiencing; expectations are clear, communication is strong, and there are clear lines of support if you run into difficulty. It’s truly a special place.
What is next for you after your internship?
I am entering my final year of my master’s in USM’s School of Social Work. I will be working as a graduate assistant in the Disability Services Center and an academic coach in the Learning Commons, this fall. I’ll also be doing my final field placement in an intensive outpatient setting in Brunswick.
Name: Seirra Cummings
Pronouns: she/her
CMTM Department: Marketing & Communication
CMTM Role: Marketing & Communications Intern
What drew you to intern at CMTM?
I've always loved storytelling and creativity. CMTM is an environment that cares about both of those things, and challenges you to try things in a different way. I knew coming here would be both an incredible learning opportunity but also a great place to help children around me learn through creativity and exploration.
Is there a CMTM value that resonates with you? Why?
Curiosity (and play). I think kids should be able to get dirty, to play with bugs and to act out the stories their brain comes up with. Even as adults we should never stop being curious, and continue to look for new ways to do new things. My mom is a science teacher and would show me all sorts of cool new things about bugs and plants, and they always made me ask more questions.
What is a favorite memory (so far) during your internship?
Meeting everyone at my first all staff meeting was great, it's a very fun group of people who are welcoming and creative. They had great jokes and advice for everything I could possibly have a question about.
Another great memory was doing a floor shift and throwing balls in Go With the Flow. It was a great moment to just laugh and act like a kid for a moment.
What would you say to someone interested in interning at CMTM?
Go for it! It's a great learning experience with people who love to teach. If you don't understand something the people around you are happy to answer, and look over your work.
What is next for you after your internship?
I'm not really sure yet. I know I want to continue working on bright and creative teams like the one here at CMTM, and I want to continue telling stories and making people laugh.
Name: Meredith Tierney-Fife
Pronouns: she/her
CMTM Department: Theatre
CMTM Role: Theatre Production Intern
What drew you to intern at CMTM?
CMTM drew me in because of their joyful and educative theatre program! I was looking for a job where I could apply my theatre and carpentry experience, and the production intern role fit perfectly! I knew I wanted to stay as soon as I saw how Maddy’s Theatre is truly accepting and accommodating to all audience members!
Is there a CMTM value that resonates with you? Why?
Play! This CMTM value focuses on imagination, building resilience, and storytelling. For me personally, someone learning how to grow up, play has become so so important to staying joyful, creative, and passionate about what comes next.
What is a favorite memory (so far) during your internship?
My favorite memory isn’t just one moment, but instead a compilation of children leaving the theater with a newfound love for it. Especially the moments right after a PUP when I could offer high-fives and so many young faces would come say they had fun!
What would you say to someone interested in interning at CMTM?
To someone interested in interning at CMTM I would tell them to go all in! It’s so worthwhile to show up confident and feeling proud of what you can bring to the theater team!
What is next for you after your internship?
After this summer I am continuing my undergraduate degree at the University of Southern Maine as an Art Education major and a Theater minor!
Interested in joining the CMTM team? Visit for current openings.