Love Lewiston Day
Dear CMTM Community,
Our team at CMTM is holding you in our thoughts as we navigate these challenging times together. Today, we celebrate Love Lewiston Day - a day of remembrance and spending intentional time doing something kind for a friend, neighbor, or our community in honor of victims and their families.
As distressing as the evolving news has been, it is incredibly reassuring to see and hear how our community supports and cares for one another in a time of great need. While not surprising, it is those generous acts that are getting me and our team through. And so today, the staff at CMTM will be doubling down on kindness in all its forms.
As we all navigate the impacts of this tragedy, this quote has resonated with me deeply:
““Safety and security don’t just happen; they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear.” ”
Today and every day, the safety of our community is our top priority. As we heal and recover from these horrific incidents and ongoing turmoil, let us remember that we, as adults, have a responsibility to our kids to work toward a kinder, gentler tomorrow.
Though there is much work ahead. I know we will get to that peaceful and just world together—a world built on a foundation of joy, love, understanding, and, of course, kindness.
Please let your children know our team is always thinking of them.
Thank you for being a part of our very special community. We look forward to seeing you soon at the Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine.
Julie Butcher Pezzino
Executive Director
PS - Below please find a list of resources for children and families compiled from community organizations and our partners.
Resource List for Children & Families
NAMI Maine
Common Sense How to talk with kids about violence, crime, and war
Center for Grieving Children
American Psychiatric Association
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Restoring a sense of safety in the aftermath of a shooting: Tips for parents and professionals
Parent guidelines for helping youth after the recent shooting
American Red Cross: Recovering emotionally after a disaster