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Maine Youth Playwriting Challenge Day 10: Challenge Completed!

The Maine Youth Playwriting Challenge is an online challenge for young playwrights in Maine, to challenge and support each to write a play during this unique time of social distancing. These plays may take many forms, from realistic family dramas to utter absurdity.  This challenge will take place while school is not in session and challenge young playwrights to write short plays, focusing on: setting, character, structure and more! Sign-up for the challenge at any time using the link below, and join us each day at 3:30 for a live play-writing advice session on our facebook page!

Today’s meeting: What Comes After? Congratulations Playwright! You’ve got a play! You’re probably going to want to read, revise, listen to, repeat, again and again-- that’s what playwrights do. But, let’s talk about the next steps for your play, and how you can work with a director, actors and a dramaturg to finally see your play come to life. #cmtmplaywritingchallenge