How the Museum & Theatre Community Fund Supports the Needs of Maine Families
Screenshot of a zoom meeting of youth playwrights who are participating in the Museum & Theatre’s Maine Youth Playwriting Challenge.
The Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine has established a “Community Fund” that helps meet the needs of under-resourced children and families in Maine. It ensures access to all of our services and educational programs. This includes free online programs that started running during the pandemic closure.
Access programs will be critical as we slowly rebuild our community back together. All children - no matter their background - need play to grow, learn, and thrive. The programs listed below outline a few of the initiatives supported by this fund:
Interactive and free online education to help children cope with the current crisis and inspire play and hands-on learning.
The Suzanne Olson Scholarship Program: offers scholarships for family memberships and admissions. This initiative opens our doors to hundreds of children and families each year and is the cornerstone of our access and inclusion goals.
The Creating Community Project: In partnership with Portland Public Health Nurses and the Maine Medical Center’s International Clinic, we bring arts programming to Portland’s Family Shelter. While nurses and doctors triage medical concerns, Museum & Theatre staff provide engaging activities.
Museums for All offers $2 admission to all families enrolled in government funded food assistance programs, such as WIC and SNAP.
Family English classes assist immigrant and refugee families in learning English while also introducing them to the Museum & Theatre community.
Play Your Way: Special playtime hours for families affected by autism, down syndrome, and anyone who would benefit from a quieter play time.
Adoption Ceremonies: The Museum & Theatre provides space and programming as families officially sign their adoption papers in front of a judge and celebrate this final step with a private playtime and ceremony.
Once it is safe again, the “Museum-on-the-Go” program at the Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine will travel and reach out into the community in places, such as: schools, daycares, family shelters, public outdoor events, and many more venues. This photo shows an Istar the Humpback Whale program, in progress.