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Virtual Theatre Festival: MURDER ON THE TITANIC

We're holding a Mini Virtual Festival of original plays written by young Maine playwrights during the Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine’s 10 Day Playwriting Challenge. The festival will take place over three evenings and the plays will be read by adult actors in the community and alumni of the Children’s Theatre of Maine and the Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine. Today's show is:

by Adey Wrona

The year is 1912, the Titanic has just set sail, unaware of its fate. On this boat are some notable people: Nicolas Hardenn, a world-famous detective; Mary Smith, a young noble woman on her way to celebrate her engagement to Matt Mill, with her maid and butler. Even her brother came along, even though they didn’t want him to come. Let’s see what happens in this page turning crime drama.

Directed by Children’s Theatre of Maine Alum, Michael Dix Thomas

Tickets are by donation. $10 per play per device supports our scholarship program and keeps our theatre programming free for young actors and writers. Please register to receive the Zoom link.