Posts in Programs
Science For Tots

Discover the Science for Tots series! This weekly program is designed around sensory-rich experiences for children ages 2-5 and their caregivers. During Science for Tots, we meet young children where they are by introducing them to STEM concepts like science, engineering, math, and the environment through rich sensory experiences. Read on to learn more about how even the youngest explorers think like scientists!

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Faces of Belonging: Building a Portrait of Community with Artist in Residence Lisa DiFranza

The Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine is thrilled to welcome Lisa DiFranza, our current Artist in Residence, for a unique and collaborative project that brings the concept of community to life. Titled “Faces of Belonging,” this interactive, evolving mural invites visitors of all ages to reflect on and contribute to a collective portrait of belonging in Maine.

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Visiting Artist Series: Juliet Karelsen

The Visiting Artist Series, which began in February 2022 and continues through May 2023, allows visitors to meet and create alongside artists who were chosen through a rigorous application and selection process. Over the course of several weeks, each Visiting Artist hosts “pop-up studios” in MakerSpace. Each artist works in a different medium, supplies base materials, and leads art-making activities where visitors help to produce communal works of art. This March/April, CMTM welcomes fiber artist Juliet Karelsen to the MakerSpace.

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